Memoirs of an English teacher abroad

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Countdown to the end

Today marks the beginning of the end. Graduation is just around the corner, close enough for me to almost throw my books at (really want to throw them at something at least). In the last throes of paper writing I am getting anxious for the end. It is always a little sad when a piece of my life comes to an end and I don't mean death, I mean the end of a part of my life: the past. Highschool ends, rooming situations end, adventures end, travel ends, and college ends- as I approach the end of my own college days I am a little sad, but I am more excited by what comes after- after every ending there is a new beginning. My new beginning may still be a few months away, but that doesn't keep me from anticipating it. South Korea here I come!